21 results found

National Respite for Carers Program – Victorian Demographic Profile

Author/s: Victorian Carer Service Network | Year: 2010 | Publication type: Website | Peer reviewed: | Topic area/s: Internet Resources, Carers of Older CALD People


Key Words:
statistics, carers, respite
Research aim:
Spreadsheets available through this website with information about carers in Victoria by region and by LGA including birthplace and language spoken at home. Also some information by birthplace and area about people receiving care.
Cultural Group(s):
Location of study:
Age group:
Number included in study:
Type of participants:
Research approach:
Type of data:
Secondary data sources used:
Specific scales or analytical techniques used:
Implications/ Recommendations:
Link to statistics about carers, including CALD carers, in Victoria.